How to Get Onion Smell Out of Cutting Board | Best Tricks

Chef Emily Davis

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How to Get Onion Smell Out of Cutting Board

The best way to remove the onion smell from a cutting board, use a mix of baking soda and lemon juice. Scrub the surface with this paste, then rinse with water.

Onion odors can linger long after the chopping is done, leaving your cutting board with an unwelcome scent. Many home cooks struggle with this issue, especially when they aim to maintain a fresh kitchen. A cutting board is an essential tool in any kitchen, but it can absorb strong smells like onion, which are notoriously difficult to eliminate. In this article, I will provide you with some easy tricks on how to get onion smell out of cutting board. So let’s read in.

Knowing the right cleaning solutions and techniques can make all the difference, turning your smelly board into a clean slate ready for your next culinary adventure. Let’s explore effective, natural methods that will tackle those stubborn odors and help keep your cutting surfaces odor-free.


Causes of Lingering Onion Smell

Porosity of the Cutting Board Material

The porosity of a cutting board material plays a significant role in how easily it absorbs odors. Wooden and bamboo boards, being more porous, are more prone to holding onto smells compared to non-porous materials like glass.

Frequency of Use

Frequent use of cutting boards, especially for chopping strong-smelling foods like onions, increases the likelihood of odors lingering. The more a board is used without thorough cleaning, the more likely it is to retain smells.

Cleaning Methods and Their Effectiveness

The effectiveness of cleaning methods can vary greatly. Simple rinsing may not be enough to remove deep-seated odors. Different materials require different cleaning approaches to effectively eliminate onion smell.

How to Get Onion Smell Out of Cutting Board| Immediate Cleaning Solutions


Hot Soapy Water

Using hot soapy water is a basic yet effective method for cleaning cutting boards. The heat helps to loosen any particles trapped in the board, while the soap breaks down oils and residues.

White Vinegar Solution

White vinegar is a natural disinfectant and deodorizer. A solution of equal parts water and vinegar can be used to wipe down the cutting board, neutralizing odors and killing bacteria.

Lemon Juice and Salt Scrub

Lemon juice is acidic and has natural deodorizing properties. When combined with coarse salt, it creates an abrasive scrub that can help lift odors from the cutting board surface.

Baking Soda Paste

Baking soda is a powerful deodorizer. Mixing it with water to form a paste and applying it to the cutting board can help absorb and neutralize strong smells like onion.

Commercial Cleaning Products

There are various commercial cleaning products specifically designed for cutting boards. These products often contain enzymes and other compounds that target and break down odors effectively.

Deep Cleaning Methods

Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda

A combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can be used for deep cleaning. Hydrogen peroxide disinfects, while baking soda absorbs odors. This method is particularly useful for stubborn smells.

Bleach Solution

A dilute bleach solution can be used for deep cleaning, especially for plastic and composite boards. It is effective in killing bacteria and neutralizing odors but should be used sparingly to avoid damaging the board.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a powerful odor absorber. Placing a cutting board in a bag with activated charcoal can help remove persistent smells. This method is safe for all types of cutting boards.

Dishwasher Use for Appropriate Materials

For cutting boards that are dishwasher-safe, running them through a hot cycle can help eliminate odors and sanitize the surface. This is particularly effective for plastic and composite boards.

Sun Drying Technique

Sun drying is a natural way to eliminate odors from cutting boards. UV rays from the sun help to kill bacteria and break down odor-causing compounds. Placing the board in direct sunlight for a few hours can significantly reduce lingering smells.

Preventive Measures

Regular Cleaning Routine

Maintaining a regular cleaning routine is crucial for preventing odors. Cleaning cutting boards immediately after use with hot soapy water or vinegar solution can help prevent smells from developing.

Using Different Boards for Different Foods

To avoid cross-contamination and lingering odors, it’s advisable to use different cutting boards for different types of food. For example, having separate boards for onions, meat, and vegetables can help maintain freshness.

Applying Mineral Oil on Wooden Boards

Regularly applying mineral oil to wooden cutting boards helps to seal the surface, making it less porous and less likely to absorb odors. This also helps to maintain the board’s condition and prolong its lifespan.

Using Cutting Board Mats

Cutting board mats are thin, flexible mats that can be placed on top of cutting boards. They are easy to clean and can be used to prevent strong odors from penetrating the main board.

Proper Storage of Cutting Boards

Proper storage of cutting boards helps to keep them dry and reduces the risk of odor buildup. Storing boards in a well-ventilated area or upright to allow air circulation can help maintain their freshness.


Maintaining a fresh-smelling cutting board is essential. A blend of salt and lemon works wonders. Rub the mix on the board. Let it sit, then rinse. For deep cleaning, baking soda paste proves effective. It’s easy to make and use. Always ensure proper drying post-cleaning.

Using white vinegar is another great choice. It’s a natural disinfectant and odor-neutralizer. Simply wipe the board with a vinegar-soaked cloth. Embrace these eco-friendly methods. They contribute to a healthier kitchen and environment. Remember, routine care keeps smells away. Enjoy a clean, scent-free cutting board.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Get Onion Smell Out Of Cutting Board

How Do You Get Onion And Garlic Out Of A Wooden Cutting Board?

To remove onion and garlic smells, sprinkle the wooden board with baking soda, scrub with half a lemon, rinse, and air dry.

How Do You Neutralize The Smell Of Onions?

To neutralize onion smell, rinse your hands with cold water and soap. Use lemon juice or vinegar to rub on affected areas. Baking soda solutions can also absorb and eliminate odors effectively.

How Do You Get The Onion Smell Out Of A Cutting Board Reddit?

To remove onion smell from a cutting board, sprinkle baking soda, rub with half a lemon, or wipe down with white vinegar. Rinse thoroughly afterward.

How Do You Get An Onion Out Of A Plastic Cutting Board?

To remove onion smell from a plastic cutting board, scrub it with a paste of baking soda and water. Rinse thoroughly afterward.